My classes will be moving on to Scratch-Art soon. I always like to precede scratch-art with some texture shading lessons. I have quite a few handouts prepared for this but I only use a selection of them depending on the grade and skill level. Currently, I am working with 6th grade. We began a few days ago with pointillism. I show a few examples of pointillism in art and then demonstrate some techniques using a digital metronome to establish rhythm. The students then begin my pointillism fish handout. They work on it the remaining 20 minutes of the 45 minute period. This is the bulk of the time to be spent on the activity and it is not enough time to complete the fish if executed properly. The following day, I may allow a few minutes at the beginning of the period to get a bit more done on it before moving on to the next texture. I discuss it briefly and then provide the next handout with approximately twenty minutes left to practice. We keep up the same procedure for the next few days to work on five different handouts/textures. I expect students to complete about a third of each worksheet and I emphasize that they are to show me that they can create different values before moving on. We use regular ball-point pen for the activities with the exception of felt marker on the fish pointillism.