Doodle Designs

This week, students began working on their Doodle Designs. This is where they fill in the page with freehand doodles and patterns. They are provided numerous examples to help with ideas for a variety of hand-drawn patterns. I’ve done several varieties of this project over the years. This year, I provided each students with a large sheet of multicolor spectrum paper as a backdrop for their doodle designs. The paper is glossy (think wrapping paper) so I also provided Sharpie brand permanent markers. Additionally, the color blend paper is surprisingly easy to see through. This makes it possibly to use tracing techniques with no light box and may possibly allow for a “stained-glass” effect if the completed art is displayed in a window.

I have updated my Doodle Designs project on TPT with all new resources and placed the item on sale for the next few days.
